Live Free Classes
"So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36 NIV
10 Week Class
The 10 Week Live Free class is held on Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM in the main sanctuary. This group functions much like a haven group and you can join at any time.
sign up
6 Week Class
This is an expedited version of the 10 Week class, it moves a little bit faster but you won’t miss out on any of the information. Because it moves so fast you must attend every session.
sign up
If you are ready to live your best life, taking our live free class is your next step.
This is an exciting step in your faith journey. Breaking free from all the things weighing you down and preventing you from a full and free relationship with God is life changing! We are so excited that you are growing in your walk with Christ.
Live free classes are ongoing so you can jump into the 10 week curriculum at any time.
If you join on week 4 then you can continue through week 10 and then catch up on weeks 1-3 once the class starts again. As we continue to grow there will be even more opportunities available across our city.
Nothing is too big or too small to get free from.
At Haven Worship Center we are not afraid of your struggles! You can bring anything to the table and we will give you the tools that you need to get free from whatever you are dealing with. When we say “whatever” we mean whatever! Nothing is impossible when God gets involved so we strongly believe that you can get free from anything!

You don't need anything to sign up, all we require is you!
When you sign up we will contact you with further details and when you come to your first class we will give you all the materials you need in order to complete the class. It is really that simple, just sign up and you are ready to live free!